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Testing Unpublished Library Version

You may want to test changes made to the library in an app locally. This becomes useful to validate a fix or root cause an issue occuring only in a specific app or context. Or someone may want to demo a cool new feature in real app context before the changes are tested and published. There are a few ways to test unpublished versions:

  1. Checkout a codespace. Go to, select the microsoft\fluentui repo and your working branch.
  2. Go to the packages\react-charting path which contains the local changes.
  3. Run yarn build
  4. Run yarn pack. This will generate a tgz file (for egfluentui-react-charting-v5.16.13.tgz).
  5. Copy the tgz file to the app devbox.
  6. Go to the app and run npm install <path to tgz file> or yarn install <path to tgz file> depending upon the package manager of your app.
  7. Install any additional package dependencies that are introduced.